Discover No. 16 – summing up

November 26, 2009

I was going to call this topic “The end”, but decided not to as it’s not the end.  There is so much more to discover.

There is now so much information out there.  Databases, news sites, sites of professional interest, image and video collections, social networking – the list goes on and on and on.   What has struck me about this program is how much “librarian-ness” there is.  Library workers select, organise and make available material.  That’s a fundamental of our work.  So many of these learning 2.0 tools help us with those same tasks in our personal information needs.  Hash tags, delicious, flickr, RSS feeds are all ways of organising information, and making it easier for us to sift through, and find those items of interest.

The other learning is that we don’t have to use it all.  Try it, like it?  Keep going.  Try it, don’t like it?  don’t use it.

Thanks Warren (and the team) for all your hard work


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